Friday, June 11, 2010

The Generation Crap

militants,The Giant Inflatable Arches 2 fight for Civil Right for Color Peopl wa in full swing in the 60 s by the Freedom Fighter who where Church go people. The press and nightli new had their reader and viewer under the mind-wash that the protest Color folk were rebel rousers. and activist caus troubl and stir up a riot in the mass by demand the same right that White had. How dare us want equal rights? How dare us want to dine in White restaur that didn t cater to color folks? How dare us want to be integr into White school and colleges? How dare us want to sit at the front of the bus? How dare us want to go where we didn t belong? How dare us want to work the same job as White did. How dare us want to live in the same neighborhoods? How dare us want anyth sinc we weren t Unite State Citizens? Dure that time Color folk were consid immigr who had no right sinc thei weren t citizens. Huh? Sound familiar? John Kennedi sidestep the question about the Civil Right Movement when pressur by the press and media. Dr. Martin Luther King and hi follow nationwid from all race were consid unsavori charact and not accept social in the societi of that day. The media portrai Hollywood Actor and Actress who fought for Black Civil Right like non-conformist who were commit a major crime that weren t accept to societi or America with their career be on the line. Rememb when Marlon Brandon died? The mention of hi march for civil right wa in a neg voic with the text of extrem wrongdo and a slap in Societi s face. Thi add insult to stupid and slander, the press went on to sai that Edgar Hoover had Marlon Brandon under investig along with other who antagon the nation with their behavior. So, by todai s standards, all who fought the fight for Civil Right were wrong by do this. And nobodi blink an ey when Georg Bush tri to bring an end to Civil Rights. Nor when a Barbara Bush made the statement to the press that the victim of Katrina were better off live in the Astro Dome sinc thei were alreadi under privileg with nowher better to go. Sonni Boi didn t blink an ey when bodi float down the river right in front of him after Katrina struck. The media act like it wasn t happen right befor their camera and new anchors. I jump the point!

creed,Bill Cosbi ha been an inspir and role model to the Black commun from the earli pioneer days. He' also a father figur in the Black commun as well as all races.and colors. In the face of advers and tragedi he handl them all with grace and style that made him a class act. Not onc ha he rais hi voic in anger while in public or becam unglu Until recent when the Black commun complet with ignor and idiot nonsens final piss him off. And he went total ballist about it and blast the Black nation out of the Universe. Yeah, Right On Bill! Sinc I m out in the public a lot thi dai and becom sick to my stomach in disgust dure my walk on God' green earth. I can relat with Mr. Cosby. Stereotyp of the degrad and demean kind ar have made a comeback "Ghetto" style. There ar those in the hood who love to imit what thei see while take it to the lowest of low. The stereotyp on television, commercials, videos, and movi stuck like glue to the poor chili watch them. I term thi cultur shock "Joke Theater" complet with walk and run gags. It certainli make me gag! Befor I get into this, I m go to take you back into the golden olden dai where I began my journei in the 60 s.

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