corrupt Inflatable Advertising registry,Ther ar still mani other factor that could slow PC XP howev the abov mention factor ar the most common. These three. virus and inadequ memori ar the factor that you should be care about in order not lose your computer' speed. Kri Mainieri is an accomplish Comput Tech focus on innov and uniqu wai to help peopl take their comput perform to a whole new level free.
hardwar and the softwar preferences. Registri will be damag onc it is infect with dirt henc clean is a must. Thi will not onli free up the space but registri clean would also solv some of your comput system' error that can give you comput problem in the near future. To clean the registry,Th veri first caus of a slow PC XP is the registry. Thi is basic respons for hold the entir comput system. you can find differ clean registri in the market today. You just have to guarante that what you will choos is updat and reliable. Clean your computer' registri will do miracl on your computer' perform and speed.
you will eventu encount virus and spywar that would infect your PC. Stai out of the internet is not an option instead,Th spywar and virus could also be on of the reason of a slow PC XP. Once surf the web. you have to make sure that your comput is instal with a viru or spywar scanner in order to prevent ani viru infection. These spyware/viru scanner will clean and delet all these harm virus that could caus havoc to your computer' entir performance. Do not settl for ani substandard anti-spywar as thi won't help you in increas your computer' speed. What you need is a good qualiti antiviru that can do great wonder in your PC. Thi comput troubl must be immedi solv as thi could not onli slow PC XP but also put your comput to a complet halt.
your computer' slow perform could be the caus of too littl memory. As too much comput breakthrough happen,A nd lastly. more and more comput program need more RA M in order for the comput to run smoothly. A comput equip with suffici RA M is a must in order to let your comput perform it topnotch shape. Adequat RA M is also import especi if you ar run multipl program at a time. A comput with a Window XP oper system can usual run with a 512 MB of memory. But if your comput is equip with mani program and applications, it need twice as much as RA M in order to perform faster.