add up the Dual Lane Modular Combo points. Thi will give your student an object evalu of their grade on a 100 point scale. It also provid them with a tool to improv their writing. With time,Onc all of the criteria have been scored. you will becom veri adept at modifi the rubric to match the write level and need of each student.
Here is a simple, seven step process for develop and us write rubric in your homeschool program. The write rubric will help you assess and grade your students' written work. It is also a tool which will help your student improv their writing.
#1 Determin the purpos of the assignment?
A r you assign the paper so the student can demonstr what thei have learn about an assign topic? Is it to give practic in paragraph develop or anoth skill? Are you teach a new skill such as document sourc material?
Particularli if there is a new skill be introduc or practiced, that goal need to be incorpor into your write rubric.
#2 Decid how much weight should be given to write mechanics?
With mani rubrics, mechan mai account for 20% to 50% of the students' score. As a gener rule of thumb, I usual us 30% to 33.33% depend on which rubric I am using. Write intens colleg cours frequent give mechan 50%, so you mai want to get your college-bound student us to that rigor critiqu of mechan with sever papers. However, gener mechan doe not count so heavily.
#3 Plan the Criteria for Your Write Rubric.
Th write rubric will assess each design criteria. I often us 10 criteria for weekli write assign and creativ writing; and reserv the 15 criteria ten for content and five for mechan for the annual research paper. The ten criteria rubric is easier to us and score.
Here ar some of the criteria that can be used. Thi is not an exhaust list, and you mai have other criteria you wish to incorporate. Simpli choos ten criteria that best fit your student' need and the purpos of the assignment.
Grad Criteria:
The point ar organized
A n introductori paragraph introduc the topic
Origin idea ar presented
Paragraph develop includ topic sentenc
Phrase ar clear avoid awkward or hard to read sentenc
Interest phrase and sentenc hold the readers' attention
A conclud paragraph summar the paper
Thesi statement
Varieti in sentenc structure
Use of transit between paragraphs
Pictur and tables
profession appearance,
Neatness. us of fonts
Footnot or endnotes
Level of vocabulari used
Complet sentenc no fragment or run-on
Complet on time
#4 Have the student read the list of criteria out loud.
Som student ar eager to jump in and get started. Other mai drag their feet and wait until the last minute. Both need to take notic of what grade criteria will be used.
In addit to read the criteria befor start to write, you can also encourag them to review it befor submit their paper. Consid have them grade themselv on each criteria. That mai gener some self-edit and reinforc the valu of follow written instruct a great skill for colleg or the work forc .
#5 Befor grading, read the paper through yourself on time.
sinc content is the most important,Y mai have to resist the urg to start circl errors. However. focu on it first. Instead,ask yourself: what is thi paper communicating?
With the first reading, focu on the main point and the organ of ideas. Wa the mean clear? Were the main point well organized?
If the main point ar not organized, a student in middl school or high school need to re-writ it. Disorgan write cannot convei anything. The student need to be taught how to organ points. Thi is not a difficult skill to teach, but it doe take some practic for the student to master it. But without that skill, hi or her write will never improve.
#6 Assign Points.
and for each of the other criteria on your evalu tool,Start with organization. you need to assign up to ten points. Here is the scale I use: 10 Point - "A " The criteria wa met and excelled. You can take a yellow highlight and highlight someth in the paper that is a great exampl of exceed the standard. 9 Point - "B" The criteria wa met. For organization, that mean the outlin wa logic organized.
but there is room for improvement. Note on the page should indic to the student where weak point ar located8 Point - "C" The criteria wa almost met..
7 Point - "D" The criteria wa not met and the write is below the level expected.
such as not includ a bibliographi when on is on the list,6 Point - "F" The student fail to incorpor that criteria at all. In rare cases. I might give a 0. However, I seldom give less than six points, as a 60% is an F grade.
The first time the paper is read, the instructor can assess it organization. It should be read sever times, and with each addit read two or three other criteria can be evalu and scored.
For mechanics, I us the follow scale:
A - Less than on error per page B - Less than two error per page C - Less than four error per page D - Less than six error per page F - Six or more error per page.
Depend on your student, you mai need to modifi thi scale. If thei ar current make lot of mechan errors, it might be benefici to grade more lenient AND spend more time on write mechanics. It can be dishearten to a student to constantli get low grade on their creativ write due to mechanics. Rather than make them feel like qualiti write is out of their reach, consid us or develop write assign that practic the skill s thei ar defici in.
#7 Add up the score.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Conflicker virus - Get Antivirus
Confick Aviva Water Totter remov and win a possibl to continu normal work present by magnific victori over viru infections. Thank to Conflick viru Fast Heal you'll spend ten time less monei on Confick remov than if you call a specialist from the comput shop. Your monei will be return if your problem assign with Confick remov doesn't disappear.
Conflick viru is a most danger recently-appeared-array-of-viru infect thread. Conflick viru ha mani name but it can't decid it sever ill-intent feature. The princip goal of Conflick viru is Microsoft Window system oper system. Conflick viru is suppos to be abl to expand far and near World Wide Web for some days.
Thi year Conflick viru ha crack from 9 to 15 million of machin around the world. Sinc SQL Slammer in 2003 Conflick viru is suggestd to be on of the most distribut viru threat. Conflick viru is veri compound to uncov for your network oper due to Confick remov multiplex procedures. First Conflick viru appear in October of 2008 and assault more then 10 million machin throughout the world. Imagin yourself, if such great and decomposit network as British, French and other forc of arm couldn't counter against Conflick viru crack how can your littl armless PC oppos against such threat?
The joint arm forc of the Germani relate about Conflick viru infect in their network on 2 Februari of 2009. Divers Royal Navi warship and their submarines, and hospit thro the citi of Sheffield turn to be under dog under Conflick virus' assail. British Common Chamber ha been assault with Conflick viru quit recently, as British journal tells. The French Navi wa crack by Conflick viru on the 15th of January, 2009 and wa stiffli repair after some plane were reluct to land on more than on airbas in France. The UK Defens tell about Conflick viru microbiosi in their manag networks.
Conflick viru B came out on the Web stage on December,29, 2009. Conflick viru A appear on November,21, 2009 and there is no cure against Conflick viru A sinc then. MS08-067 insecur in Server servic is the main object of Conflick viru A and, unhappily, there is no simpl track to escap thi type of Conflick virus. Conflick viruss A, B, C, D get everydai from ani of 250 pseudorandom domain over 8 top-level domains. Conflick viru B creat library-bas autorun comput trojan on append portabl drives.
If you note that your account lockout polici were disturb you should certainli to check other presag of Conflick viru onto your computer. All web site connect with anti malici program find themselv block or impenetr as a result of Conflick viru activity. Domain control start work veri slowly, thei respond consumer' request with delai without Confick removal. Uncheck certain Window system servic such as Automat Updates, Window system Defend and other must make you grow alert and prepar fo Confick removal. You can avert Conflick viru contagion with the assist of seriou qualiti anti viru infect and anti spywar such as True Sword from Secur Stronghold or to us Confick remov from now.
Conflick viru epidem have alreadi reach a great size and can't be stop soon, Confick remov dure necess is still actual. Conflick viru Fast Heal is an easi and on minut solut for all consumers, notic Confick remov dure necess onto their computers. Separ consum ar the easiest to accession, that' why Secur Stronghold develop team creat Confick remov applications. You can receiv Conflick viru Fast Heal onc and receiv Confick remov without ani loss in your system. Conflick viru Fast Heal contain five year of experts' experience, command excel knowledg of the caus of your matter and ensur fast result in Confick removal.
If your comput isn't assailed, receiv our True Sword for best preserv against Conflick viru or get Confick remov for up-to-d Confick removal. I'm confirm Conflick viru Fast Heal is a import qualiti product and guarante the outcom of it make busi - full Confick removal. If you have alreadi been assail by Conflick virus, Confick remov applicationsproduc by Secur Stronghold Compani will assist you to kill the Great and Terribl Conflick virus. Turn free from Conflick viru deseas and get Confick remov in on click and enjoi oper of your system. You stai in the gain in ani case.
Conflick viru is a most danger recently-appeared-array-of-viru infect thread. Conflick viru ha mani name but it can't decid it sever ill-intent feature. The princip goal of Conflick viru is Microsoft Window system oper system. Conflick viru is suppos to be abl to expand far and near World Wide Web for some days.
Thi year Conflick viru ha crack from 9 to 15 million of machin around the world. Sinc SQL Slammer in 2003 Conflick viru is suggestd to be on of the most distribut viru threat. Conflick viru is veri compound to uncov for your network oper due to Confick remov multiplex procedures. First Conflick viru appear in October of 2008 and assault more then 10 million machin throughout the world. Imagin yourself, if such great and decomposit network as British, French and other forc of arm couldn't counter against Conflick viru crack how can your littl armless PC oppos against such threat?
The joint arm forc of the Germani relate about Conflick viru infect in their network on 2 Februari of 2009. Divers Royal Navi warship and their submarines, and hospit thro the citi of Sheffield turn to be under dog under Conflick virus' assail. British Common Chamber ha been assault with Conflick viru quit recently, as British journal tells. The French Navi wa crack by Conflick viru on the 15th of January, 2009 and wa stiffli repair after some plane were reluct to land on more than on airbas in France. The UK Defens tell about Conflick viru microbiosi in their manag networks.
Conflick viru B came out on the Web stage on December,29, 2009. Conflick viru A appear on November,21, 2009 and there is no cure against Conflick viru A sinc then. MS08-067 insecur in Server servic is the main object of Conflick viru A and, unhappily, there is no simpl track to escap thi type of Conflick virus. Conflick viruss A, B, C, D get everydai from ani of 250 pseudorandom domain over 8 top-level domains. Conflick viru B creat library-bas autorun comput trojan on append portabl drives.
If you note that your account lockout polici were disturb you should certainli to check other presag of Conflick viru onto your computer. All web site connect with anti malici program find themselv block or impenetr as a result of Conflick viru activity. Domain control start work veri slowly, thei respond consumer' request with delai without Confick removal. Uncheck certain Window system servic such as Automat Updates, Window system Defend and other must make you grow alert and prepar fo Confick removal. You can avert Conflick viru contagion with the assist of seriou qualiti anti viru infect and anti spywar such as True Sword from Secur Stronghold or to us Confick remov from now.
Conflick viru epidem have alreadi reach a great size and can't be stop soon, Confick remov dure necess is still actual. Conflick viru Fast Heal is an easi and on minut solut for all consumers, notic Confick remov dure necess onto their computers. Separ consum ar the easiest to accession, that' why Secur Stronghold develop team creat Confick remov applications. You can receiv Conflick viru Fast Heal onc and receiv Confick remov without ani loss in your system. Conflick viru Fast Heal contain five year of experts' experience, command excel knowledg of the caus of your matter and ensur fast result in Confick removal.
If your comput isn't assailed, receiv our True Sword for best preserv against Conflick viru or get Confick remov for up-to-d Confick removal. I'm confirm Conflick viru Fast Heal is a import qualiti product and guarante the outcom of it make busi - full Confick removal. If you have alreadi been assail by Conflick virus, Confick remov applicationsproduc by Secur Stronghold Compani will assist you to kill the Great and Terribl Conflick virus. Turn free from Conflick viru deseas and get Confick remov in on click and enjoi oper of your system. You stai in the gain in ani case.
Monday, March 15, 2010
What You Need Do When No One is Clicking on Your Banner Ads
Some of the Inflatable Water Slide biggest problem that peopl do encount when thei ar try to get visitor to their site is to get them to click on their ads! If you can't get peopl to click on your ad you ar not go to make ani monei & eventu you will have to quit bui traffic. In thi articl I want to show you exactli what you need to do if no on is click on your ads.
Step Number 1 - You have to make sure you have the right ad on the site you ar advertis on.
What you have to do is test your ad text out on Googl AdWord and see what your click through rate is. You have to realiz that in most case you might just have a realli poorli written ad that peopl do not respond to.
If you test out the text on Googl AdWord you will be abl to easili split test your ad and get your click through rate higher so you can get more visitor to your site. Then you can take that text and put it on the banner that you ar us on the other site in your nich & see what happens.
Step Number 2 - You have to make sure you ar not try to sell yourself.
One of the biggest problem that most peopl have is thei ar alwai try to sell themselv in their advertising. You need to realiz that peopl care about themselv & fix their problems.
So you have to make sure you ar focus on make your ad about them! When you get them to your site you can start talk more about yourself and who you are. But to start out,Some of the biggest problem that peopl do encount when thei ar try to get visitor to their site is to get them to click on their ads! If you can't get peopl to click on your ad you ar not go to make ani monei & eventu you will have to quit bui traffic. In thi articl I want to show you exactli what you need to do if no on is click on your ads.
Step Number 1 - You have to make sure you have the right ad on the site you ar advertis on.
What you have to do is test your ad text out on Googl AdWord and see what your click through rate is. You have to realiz that in most case you might just have a realli poorli written ad that peopl do not respond to.
If you test out the text on Googl AdWord you will be abl to easili split test your ad and get your click through rate higher so you can get more visitor to your site. Then you can take that text and put it on the banner that you ar us on the other site in your nich & see what happens.
Step Number 2 - You have to make sure you ar not try to sell yourself.
One of the biggest problem that most peopl have is thei ar alwai try to sell themselv in their advertising. You need to realiz that peopl care about themselv & fix their problems.
So you have to make sure you ar focus on make your ad about them! When you get them to your site you can start talk more about yourself and who you are. But to start out,Some of the biggest problem that peopl do encount when thei ar try to get visitor to their site is to get them to click on their ads! If you can't get peopl to click on your ad you ar not go to make ani monei & eventu you will have to quit bui traffic. In thi articl I want to show you exactli what you need to do if no on is click on your ads.
Friday, March 12, 2010
How to Act During a Job Interview
? Get plenti Inflatable Spiderman Bounce House of sleep the night befor the interview. You don t want to yawn in front of the interviewer. He will think that you ar express boredom.
but often ha a lot to do with the manner that you use
Ther ar mani thing that you can do that can take some of the pressur off dure an interview. The wai that you behav is on of the most important. It s not all in the word that come out of your mouth..
thei ar often wonder if you would fit in nice with you co-workers. Your person is a big part of your interview and can make all the difference. Here ar some of the littl thing that you should pai particularli close attent to dure an interviewInterview ar not just wonder if you ar skill enough for the job..
Y do not want to be chew gum or breath mint dure your interview. You also don t want to speak in slang dure your interview either. It is unprofession and rude.
Show Confidence
and doe not give the impress of a person that you want to face everi day. Y cannot enter into an interview with a defeatist attitude. You cannot mope or exud too much placid in your manner. It is not inviting.
without alien other workers. You should point out your accomplish in your field while remain somewhat humbleBe sure of your abil without appear cocki or narcissistic. You want to let you interview know that you ar equip to perform well at your job..
but you can never get thi point too strongly. Understand that bodi languag plai a larg part in exud confid to others. Sit straight. Practic good posture,List your accomplish in a matter of fact wai without go into too much detail. I know thi sound repetitive. and keep your head up.
Keep a Posit Attitude
don t frown and look disgruntled,Y should alwai try to smile and keep a posit outlook dure your interview. If what you ar hear someth that doesn t sound good to you. just keep a slight smile on your face until it is time for you to sai something. Then approach your interview with your question or concern when the time is appropriate.
Maintain Eye Contact
especi when on of you is speak to the other. If you ar look around the room or at the item on the interview s desk,Keep ey contact with your interview is veri important. you will appear uninterested. Just imagin what you would be think if you were speak to him and he wa look all over the room. You would probabl think that you alreadi lost the interview.
Bodi Language
W ve touch on thi a littl bit but you should mind some of the common error that mani peopl make when thei ar speak to others. I ve list some of the common thing that you should avoid when sit through an interview.
? Avoid fidget while speak to your interviewer. It show a lack of self confidence.
? Avoid speak while us overli express hand gestures. It is distracting.
? Avoid bite your lip in between sentences. It give the impress that you ar make thing up.
? Do not sit with your arm cross becaus it make you appear stand-offish.
? Do not shrug your shoulder when ask a question that you ar unsur of. Take a second to think of your response. Shrug your shoulder give the impress that you don t know the answer.
? Don t answer with nod and head shakes. Use your word to answer questions.
but often ha a lot to do with the manner that you use
Ther ar mani thing that you can do that can take some of the pressur off dure an interview. The wai that you behav is on of the most important. It s not all in the word that come out of your mouth..
thei ar often wonder if you would fit in nice with you co-workers. Your person is a big part of your interview and can make all the difference. Here ar some of the littl thing that you should pai particularli close attent to dure an interviewInterview ar not just wonder if you ar skill enough for the job..
Y do not want to be chew gum or breath mint dure your interview. You also don t want to speak in slang dure your interview either. It is unprofession and rude.
Show Confidence
and doe not give the impress of a person that you want to face everi day. Y cannot enter into an interview with a defeatist attitude. You cannot mope or exud too much placid in your manner. It is not inviting.
without alien other workers. You should point out your accomplish in your field while remain somewhat humbleBe sure of your abil without appear cocki or narcissistic. You want to let you interview know that you ar equip to perform well at your job..
but you can never get thi point too strongly. Understand that bodi languag plai a larg part in exud confid to others. Sit straight. Practic good posture,List your accomplish in a matter of fact wai without go into too much detail. I know thi sound repetitive. and keep your head up.
Keep a Posit Attitude
don t frown and look disgruntled,Y should alwai try to smile and keep a posit outlook dure your interview. If what you ar hear someth that doesn t sound good to you. just keep a slight smile on your face until it is time for you to sai something. Then approach your interview with your question or concern when the time is appropriate.
Maintain Eye Contact
especi when on of you is speak to the other. If you ar look around the room or at the item on the interview s desk,Keep ey contact with your interview is veri important. you will appear uninterested. Just imagin what you would be think if you were speak to him and he wa look all over the room. You would probabl think that you alreadi lost the interview.
Bodi Language
W ve touch on thi a littl bit but you should mind some of the common error that mani peopl make when thei ar speak to others. I ve list some of the common thing that you should avoid when sit through an interview.
? Avoid fidget while speak to your interviewer. It show a lack of self confidence.
? Avoid speak while us overli express hand gestures. It is distracting.
? Avoid bite your lip in between sentences. It give the impress that you ar make thing up.
? Do not sit with your arm cross becaus it make you appear stand-offish.
? Do not shrug your shoulder when ask a question that you ar unsur of. Take a second to think of your response. Shrug your shoulder give the impress that you don t know the answer.
? Don t answer with nod and head shakes. Use your word to answer questions.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Establishing A Customer Loyalty Program
but what Summit about the next gener of shoppers? And even worse,The biggest concern that most CEO' have is thus: a strong custom loyalti program can keep custom that ar alreadi loyal loyal. an ill-plan loyalti program, built with littl or no data about your exist loyal customers, will be doom to fail. Find wai to collect thi incred import data month in advanc of launch your program. Invest heavili in a statist specialist, and ensur he ha the latest statist softwar such as SPSS. Remember, even if you have an abund of data, it will be complet useless to you if you can't make sens of it. Wors still is have data that wasn't collect scientif to be an accur represent of the popul be sampled.
no matter how wealthi thei are,
A lot of compani nowadai ar come up with variou custom loyalti program to ensur bigger profit for their companies. Thi mai seem to be quit a worn idea alreadi for a custom loyalti program but people. actual enjoi get freebi everi now and then.
1. The Concept
the custom will have fun spend more on your compani due to your compani s promis that the bigger point the a loyal custom receiv from their purchas the greater the reward that thei will soon get from the company. From have free expens design item to even an all-expens paid grand vacat trip courtesi of the company. It realli doesn't matter - the point is,Let s try to further discuss the concept behind thi custom loyalti program. With a rewards-bas custom loyalti program. it is a small amount to pai consid the year of loyal purchas that these custom have brought in to your company. Of course, thi all sound good on paper, but a truli excel loyalti program doesn't just pamper customers, it entic them to continu patron your business, or even tell their friend about it, offer your busi some invalu word-of-mouth advertising.
2. Rebat Programs
it will also give your busi some ad profit becaus through the rebat custom loyalti program your custom will,A less fanci custom loyalti program is the rebat program. Thi is wherein the custom will be abl to get a percentag back from the amount of their purchas as coupon that thei can us to pai for more stuff from your company. It realli is a simpler custom loyalti program as compar to the reward system. Not onli will it be easier on your company' pocketbooks. in the end, end up spend more on your compani becaus the coupon cannot be exchang for real currenc or us anywher else. In actuality, there is no real incent for custom to us the program.
3. Loyal = Profitable?
a well-design custom loyalti program will ensur thei wouldn't even ever dream of go to your competitors,A lot of peopl still view be abl to provid your loyal custom with great servic doe not automat ensur a compani that their custom will stay. Thi is why there is a great need for an effect but still profit-ori custom loyalti program. While great custom servic can result in a custom make a purchas more than once. and in fact, would even recommend friend to us your services.
4. The What If's
no matter how wealthi thei are,
A lot of compani nowadai ar come up with variou custom loyalti program to ensur bigger profit for their companies. Thi mai seem to be quit a worn idea alreadi for a custom loyalti program but people. actual enjoi get freebi everi now and then.
1. The Concept
the custom will have fun spend more on your compani due to your compani s promis that the bigger point the a loyal custom receiv from their purchas the greater the reward that thei will soon get from the company. From have free expens design item to even an all-expens paid grand vacat trip courtesi of the company. It realli doesn't matter - the point is,Let s try to further discuss the concept behind thi custom loyalti program. With a rewards-bas custom loyalti program. it is a small amount to pai consid the year of loyal purchas that these custom have brought in to your company. Of course, thi all sound good on paper, but a truli excel loyalti program doesn't just pamper customers, it entic them to continu patron your business, or even tell their friend about it, offer your busi some invalu word-of-mouth advertising.
2. Rebat Programs
it will also give your busi some ad profit becaus through the rebat custom loyalti program your custom will,A less fanci custom loyalti program is the rebat program. Thi is wherein the custom will be abl to get a percentag back from the amount of their purchas as coupon that thei can us to pai for more stuff from your company. It realli is a simpler custom loyalti program as compar to the reward system. Not onli will it be easier on your company' pocketbooks. in the end, end up spend more on your compani becaus the coupon cannot be exchang for real currenc or us anywher else. In actuality, there is no real incent for custom to us the program.
3. Loyal = Profitable?
a well-design custom loyalti program will ensur thei wouldn't even ever dream of go to your competitors,A lot of peopl still view be abl to provid your loyal custom with great servic doe not automat ensur a compani that their custom will stay. Thi is why there is a great need for an effect but still profit-ori custom loyalti program. While great custom servic can result in a custom make a purchas more than once. and in fact, would even recommend friend to us your services.
4. The What If's
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sharpening Your Sales Skills
you will Inflatable Pool ultim be keep your sale up. Good luckBi keep your sale skill sharp.!
Mak a live in sale can be veri rewarding. it can also be tough at times. That is why it is veri import to stai on top of your game at all times.
the sale is made becaus the person do the sell ha done a good job of explain and repres their productsMak a sale doesn t happen by accid or by luck..
Her ar a few activ that will help you and your co-work keep your sale skill sharp at all times.
Rol Playing
but it realli doe work,I know thi sound corny. and it put everyon in the offic in a good mood, becaus of all the laugh you will receive.
but realist sale scenario for you and a fellow co-work to act out. Take turn plai the custom and the sale person. Repeat the scenario sever time until you becom comfort with it. If at all possible,Mak up a few fake. find a third person to observ and critiqu your mach sale sessions. If thi is not possible, than critiqu each other.
Curr Events
there should be some sort of small talk,Dur each of your sale present with a potenti customer. or what you would call a relax period, where you relax your custom by discuss someth other than your busi and the product you ar about to sell.
but it is a veri bore subject and come across fake,Th weather is the most obviou thing to talk about. becaus everybodi bring up the weather when thei don t have anyth els to talk about.
in the morning,Everi day. decid on a current event that you will bring up when make small talk with your potenti customers; Such as a major new event or a major sport event that is happening.
Thi wai you will be prepar and won t run into ani snag in your conversation.
Shake hands
shake their hand. Most of us ar comfort with shake hands,Get into the habit of shake hands. Everi time you meet a potenti customer. but for those of you who ar not, here is a tip to help you reach a comfort level.
shake the hand of your co-work that ar closest to you. Seriously,Each dai that you walk into your office. everi morning, go in, look them in the eye, greet them by name, and shake their hand. Thei mai look at you as though you ar nut at first, but explain to them that it is simpli an exercise. Trust me thei will get a kick out of it, and will respond with enthusiasm.
peopl don t want to be treat as statistics,Remember. thei want to be treat as people, so treat them that way. Shake their hand, look them in the eye, talk about thing other than business, and us their name as often as possible.
Mak a live in sale can be veri rewarding. it can also be tough at times. That is why it is veri import to stai on top of your game at all times.
the sale is made becaus the person do the sell ha done a good job of explain and repres their productsMak a sale doesn t happen by accid or by luck..
Her ar a few activ that will help you and your co-work keep your sale skill sharp at all times.
Rol Playing
but it realli doe work,I know thi sound corny. and it put everyon in the offic in a good mood, becaus of all the laugh you will receive.
but realist sale scenario for you and a fellow co-work to act out. Take turn plai the custom and the sale person. Repeat the scenario sever time until you becom comfort with it. If at all possible,Mak up a few fake. find a third person to observ and critiqu your mach sale sessions. If thi is not possible, than critiqu each other.
Curr Events
there should be some sort of small talk,Dur each of your sale present with a potenti customer. or what you would call a relax period, where you relax your custom by discuss someth other than your busi and the product you ar about to sell.
but it is a veri bore subject and come across fake,Th weather is the most obviou thing to talk about. becaus everybodi bring up the weather when thei don t have anyth els to talk about.
in the morning,Everi day. decid on a current event that you will bring up when make small talk with your potenti customers; Such as a major new event or a major sport event that is happening.
Thi wai you will be prepar and won t run into ani snag in your conversation.
Shake hands
shake their hand. Most of us ar comfort with shake hands,Get into the habit of shake hands. Everi time you meet a potenti customer. but for those of you who ar not, here is a tip to help you reach a comfort level.
shake the hand of your co-work that ar closest to you. Seriously,Each dai that you walk into your office. everi morning, go in, look them in the eye, greet them by name, and shake their hand. Thei mai look at you as though you ar nut at first, but explain to them that it is simpli an exercise. Trust me thei will get a kick out of it, and will respond with enthusiasm.
peopl don t want to be treat as statistics,Remember. thei want to be treat as people, so treat them that way. Shake their hand, look them in the eye, talk about thing other than business, and us their name as often as possible.
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